A man sitting in front of a laptop working on SEO consulting

The FReelance SEO support you need to grow your business

With 6 years of experience working in digital marketing, and 4 specialising in SEO, I’ve optimised websites for digital marketing agencies, in-house and even for charities. Working with a range of clients across the breadth of industries, we can work together to grow your online visibility.

If you’re looking for a freelance SEO consultant to help guide your business up the rankings, then get in touch today for a free consultation!


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Freelance SEO services

Keyword Research

Keyword research is like mining for gold on the internet. You're looking for the exact words and phrases that people type into search engines. These keywords are your ticket to getting noticed. The trick is to find the right ones – the ones that lots of people search for and that relate to your website. It's like knowing the secret code to open the door to the treasure chest of website traffic.

Keyword research involves utilising various tools and metrics, such as search volume, competition, and user intent analysis, to identify high-impact keywords. These keywords are then strategically integrated into the website's content, meta tags, and headers to enhance search engine visibility.

On-Page Optimisation

On-page SEO optimisation is like polishing your website until it sparkles in the digital sun. You sprinkle those keywords you found in your research all over your web pages. It's not just about keywords, though – it's also about making sure your page looks great, loads fast, and is easy to read on any device. Think of it as making your website the shiniest gem in the search results.

Optimisation encompasses the meticulous implementation of HTML elements (meta tags, title tags, header tags) and structured data markup to clearly indicate the content's relevance to search engines. It also involves optimising content with appropriate keyword density and ensuring a strong semantic structure.

Technical SEO

Think of technical SEO as the mechanic for your website. It's all about making sure everything under the hood is working smoothly. That means making your site load faster than a speeding bullet, ensuring it's as mobile-friendly as your favourite smartphone, and making sure search engines can easily explore every nook and cranny of your site. When everything is in tip-top shape, your site runs like a well-oiled machine.

This aspect of SEO addresses server response codes, schema markup, canonicalisation, and sitemaps to make the website easily accessible and understandable by search engine crawlers. It also optimises page load times, mobile responsiveness, and website architecture for improved user experience.

Local SEO

Local SEO is like putting a big, flashy sign on your shop in the digital world. If you have a physical business, it's crucial. It helps people in your neighbourhood find you online. You want to show up on Google Maps, be listed in online directories, and encourage your happy customers to leave reviews. It's like inviting everyone in the area to your grand opening

This goes beyond the creation and optimisation of Google My Business profiles, local citations, and geospecific landing pages. This includes incorporating schema markup for local businesses, managing online reviews, and ensuring NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) consistency across online platforms.

Tips to grow your local presence today.

Site Audit

A site audit is like giving your website a full check-up. It's all about finding any kinks in the chain and fixing them. Think of it as your website's doctor's appointment. It helps you uncover and cure any issues that are holding your site back from reaching its full potential.

A site audit employs various tools and methodologies to evaluate website performance. It identifies issues such as broken links, duplicate content, server errors, and technical glitches, providing actionable insights for improvement.

Discover your key areas for improvement.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is like storytelling for your brand. It's about creating content that people actually want to read, watch, or listen to. You're not just pushing your products or services – you're giving something valuable to your audience. This not only keeps them interested but also earns you brownie points with search engines.

Content marketing encompasses the creation of valuable and relevant content to engage users and build authority. This entails conducting in-depth keyword research, developing content calendars, and employing content management systems (CMS) for efficient content publication and distribution.

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Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis is like spying on the competition – but in a totally legal way! It's about checking out what others in your field are up to online. By knowing what your rivals are doing, you can come up with a plan to do it better. It's like playing a friendly game of "Who's the Best in the Business."

Competitor analysis employs SEO software and web analytics to scrutinise competitors' digital strategies. It involves evaluating factors like backlink profiles, keyword rankings, and on-page optimisation to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement.

Link Building

Search engines view backlinks as a strong indicator of trustworthiness. As such, link building encompasses the acquisition of high-quality backlinks through outreach, content marketing, and digital PR. It entails the strategic development of anchor text and the analysis of referral traffic to enhance the website's link profile.

Analytics + Reporting

Analytics and reporting are like having a crystal ball for your website. You can see who's visiting, what they're doing, and what's working. It's like having a personal scoreboard for your online game. With this data, you can make better moves and score more points. It's your roadmap to success in the digital world.

Analytics and reporting involve the implementation of web analytics tools such as Google Analytics to monitor user behavior, traffic sources, and conversion data. It includes the generation of comprehensive reports, custom dashboards, and event tracking for data-driven decision-making in SEO campaigns.

Your Qualified guide to

Increased Organic Visibility

Should I hire an SEO agency or SEO Company over an SEO Freelancer?

SEO agencies offer a potential route to organic business growth, provided they have a strong reputation, established expertise, and can demonstrate their capabilities without excessive expenses - but working with an agency means you are a client within a more rigid structure, reducing transparency and individuality.

Opting for a Yorkshire SEO Expert offers a distinct advantage. The service is highly personalised, transparent, and cost-efficient. I implement strategies that fuel robust organic growth, increasing your online visibility, customer conversions, engagement with landing page visitors, and ultimately, your online revenue.

Can SEO help a local business?

Local SEO is a dynamic strategy tailored to help businesses establish a strong digital presence within their local community. It's not solely the domain of larger enterprises; the tactics that elevate prominent brands can be effectively harnessed by smaller local businesses and start-ups.

Local SEO is the essential tool that empowers local businesses to leapfrog their competitors and secure a visible spot on the local digital landscape. It's about more than just achieving online prominence; it's about becoming a local authority, a go-to resource for residents in the area.

In the realm of local SEO, trust and credibility are paramount. Research has consistently shown that potential customers place their faith in businesses listed on the first page of local search results, not the ones buried in obscurity. Local SEO isn't just about being found; it's about building trust within your local community. It's the key to becoming a recognised and dependable brand that your local audience can rely on.

How I approach SEO Freelancing

I take pride in implementing all of Google's best practices, and I don't just follow the rules blindly. My approach combines adherence to Google's best practice guidelines, which includes factors like E-A-T (experience, expertise, authority, and trust), with hands-on, raw SEO testing. This synergy results in SEO campaigns that not only drive rankings but also foster substantial traffic growth. My focus on helpful content updates, especially for YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) topics, ensures that your website not only ranks well but provides value to your users.

I'm not one to prioritise search engines over your end users. My philosophy is to optimise websites to meet the needs and intent of the people who visit them. It's about delivering an exceptional user experience, and that's what Google appreciates too.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO), known as Search Engine Optimisation in the UK, is a multifaceted digital marketing strategy aimed at enhancing the quantity and quality of website traffic. Its primary objective is to heighten the online visibility of a website within search engine results pages (SERPs). This increased visibility is primarily achieved by improving a website's organic, or unpaid, ranking for specific keywords and search queries.

SEO operates on the premise of optimising a website's content, structure, and underlying technical elements to propel it towards the coveted first page of search results. The goal is to secure a prominent position in search engine rankings, which, in turn, leads to a surge in "natural" or organic traffic. This organic traffic is distinct from paid traffic, direct visits, or referrals from other websites.

How long until i see seo results?

The duration of your collaboration with an SEO specialist depends on a variety of factors, but in most cases, you should anticipate a commitment of at least 6-12 months to observe substantial results. The timeline is influenced by factors such as your website's condition, the competitiveness of your target keywords, the industry niche, and your available monthly budget.

Initially, the focus will be on optimising your site's structure, content, and backlinks, setting the foundation for future success. SEO is an ongoing process, even after achieving initial goals, and ongoing monitoring and adjustments are essential.

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